Parish Council Minutes

Crowcombe Parish Council

55 Chilton Park, Chilton Street, Bridgwater TA6 3JW

Clerk Mel Catchpole

01278 470307

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 11th July 2024

at Church House, Crowcombe commencing at 6.30pm.


Cllr T Brooks (Chair), Cllr B Druitt, Cllr A Parslow (Vice-Chair), Cllr S Ford, Cllr A Mynott Clerk M Catchpole. 1 member of the public,


45/24 Apologies of absence

Cllr B Martin-Vigor, Somerset Council Cllr C Lawrence, Somerset council Cllr M Kravis

46/24 Declaration of interest/Dispensations


47/24 Minutes to approve.

The Minutes of 16th May 2024 where approved and signed.

48/24 Matters Arising from the Minutes

Cllr Brooks, has received a telephone call from a very concerned resident with reference to planning application no 3/07/24/004 Land East of Water Lane Crowcombe, it appears that the applicant is still carrying out works to this site despite planning permission hasn’t been yet granted, Cllr brooks has telephoned planning and is awaiting a response from them.

49/24 Co-option of new Councillor

There has been no response for this position therefore notice to remain in force

50/24Somerset Council Report


51/24 Highways

a)    Nothing to report/a few damaged signs within the village, Clerk to email Gary Warren at Somerset Council ref the new 20mph signs.

b)    No accidents to report/ Water Lane is to have some re-surfacing works carried out, also there will be some Rd closures on the 358 Flaxpool Hill these will take place during August.  Cllr Brooks will report to Somerset Council the Gullys in the Car park which need to be emptied.

52/24 Play area.

a)    Cllr Alan Parslow has now read through the annual inspection report, which is 60 pages in length and as Cllr Parslow pointed out if all where implemented the PC would have little reserved funds left!! He therefore presented the PC with his repot which is attached to theses minutes, on the main areas which he felt needed the most action.  The PC suggested that we get a local resident to help Cllr Parslow with these works, the clerk to contact the resident.  

b)    It was also discussed that certain equipment needs to be replaced ASAP Cllr Brooks to obtain quotes for this.

53/24 Finger post and Village signs

Village sings are now installed and look amazing thanks to Cllr Brooks for organizing the installation of these. One Sign just need a few adjustments Cllr Brooks to do these works. Nothing to report on finger post within the village, although Cllr Brooks said that some have been cleaned


A few footpaths are overgrown, and a new gate replacement is due to take place in Wood Lane.

55/23 Finances

a) All payments where approved.

b) Receipts received where bank interest

c) Bank reconciliation approved

d) an additional Cheque was approved for £500.00 this is too unable the new Unity Bank account to be opened. New Finance Payment to be issued to all councillors Clerk will send out.

Finances for 11th July 2024

Details of payments to be agreed as follows:



Amount £

Including VAT of


Cheque 000991Arthur j Gallagher Insurance

(cheque already issued)




Cheque 000992 Clerks’ salary May & June 2024



Cheque 000993 Clerks Expenses (see breakdown in clerks’ expense etc.)



Cheque 000994 Church Rooms Hire 16th July 2024



Cheque no 000995 Countrywide Grass cut May & June invoice number574193 and 579291




Cheque no 000996   SALC Training for Cllr A Maynott (11/06/24)



Cheque No 000997 Cllr T brooks, travel to Minehead for meeting, (28 miles @ 45p = £12.60 and travel to williton for meeting, (10 miles @ 45p = £4.50)



Cheque No 000998 Gerald Barons & Son installation of village signs




Cheque No 000999 Unity Trust bank

Money to open new account for PC (added at meeting 11/07/24)






Current Account



Business Account 1


£ 3,307.91

Interest received

May & June £7.74

Business Account 2



Interest received May & June £16.05

Clerk’s Expenses May & June & Salary May & June 2024




16th May 2024

PC meeting Miles 40.48 miles @ 45p per mile


24th June 2024

Miles to Crowcombe for Cheque to be signed


5th July 2024

8 2nd class stamps and 8 1st class stamps, one pack of A4 paper


11th July 2024

Home working cost May & June 2024 @ £8.00 per month




Salary May & June 2024

24 Hours per Month

£13.28 hourly rate

May 2024


24 Hours per Month

£13.28 hourly rate

June 2024


May/June 2024

X 2 @ £318.72

Total Pay







56/24 Planning

3/07/24/004 Land East of Water Lane, Crowcombe, Excavation of ditches, creation of hedge banks, formation of access track and storage compound area with siting of storage containers and creation of 2 No. ponds with associated water works (retention of works already undertaken)

This was covered in 48/24 also clerk is awaiting telephone call from the planning officer for an update on this planning application, the officer is currently on leave.

57/24 Clerks Report.

Dog bins, I have heard back from Somerset Council, if unable to repair looks like we will have to replace at our cost, still awaiting quote. I have also been told by SC that we will soon be expected to fund the emptying of these bins don’t know prices yet.

I have had a look at bins online they start at £138.82 for 25 litres this rises to £321.71 for a 50-litre bin depending on which design you require, also this does not include the fitting of them.

Village signs look very smart thank you Tony for finally getting them up.

If you know of any persons who would like to be a councillor please give them my details, as yet we have had no response for new Cllr.

58/24 Future topics

It was agreed to hold the next meeting on the 12th of September 2024 at the Church Rooms

the clerk also spoke about the Kesteven Meeting it was agreed to hold this meeting on Sunday 15th September at 11.00 am at the Kesteven Grounds Clerk to inform the Tennis club Village Hall and Cricket club.

59/24 Meeting ended at 7.30pm.

Cllr Brooks thanked all for attending this meeting.

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