
You will find the agenda's for Parish Council Meetings here.

Crowcombe Parish Council

55 Chilton Park, Chilton Street, Bridgwater TA6 3JW

TEL: 01278 470307

Clerk: Mel Catchpole

The Annual Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Thursday 16th May 2024

in The Church House, Crowcombe commencing at 6.30pm.


1.      Election of Chairman and receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office

2.      To receive any apologies of absence

3.      Co-option of additional Councillors.

4.      Election of Vice Chairman and receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office

5.      Public participation with permission of the Chairman

6.      Somerset Council Report

7.      Declarations of Interest/Dispensations/forms to be issued.

8.      Minutes to approve.

                a)  Parish Council Meeting 14h March 2024

9.   Highways

                a)  Any issues to report

                b)  Any accidents in the Parish to report

                c) update on road Safety campaign

 10.  Play Area

                a)  Weekly inspection reports


11.   Finances

                        a) Payments to approve

                        b)  Receipts received

                        c) To approve year end Bank Reconciliation

                        d)  any other financial matters - AGAR 2023/24         

            Approve Certificate of Exemption – AGAR 2023/24

                  Approve Annual Internal Audit Report 2023/24

                Approve Annual Governance Statement 2023/24

                 Approve Accounting Statement 2023/24 for Crowcombe Parish Council

                Approve the risk management report and Statement of Internal Controls

12.   Planning

a)      3/07/24/004 Land East of Water Lane, Crowcombe, Excavation of ditches, creation of hedge banks, formation of access

track and storage compound area with siting of storage containers and

creation of 2 No. ponds with associated water works (retention of works

already undertaken) approve minutes. Of meeting held on 2nd May 2024

b)      Any other planning issues.

13.   Clerks Report

15     Future Meeting dates/topics Defibrillator training

Mel Catchpole, Clerk

                10th May 2024

Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety, and Human Rights.

Crowcombe Parish Council

55 Chilton Park, Chilton Street, Bridgwater TA6 3JW

TEL: 01278 470307

Clerk: Mel Catchpole

There will be a Parish Council Meeting to be held on Thursday 11th July 2024,

 at the church rooms, Crowcombe commencing at 6.30pm


1)      To receive any apologies of absence

               2)   Declarations of interest/Dispensations

         3)   Minutes of 09th May 2024 to approve and sign.

                4)   Matters arising from minutes of 09th May 2024

5)      Co-option of new councillor

6)       Somerset Council Report

    7)   Highways     

                                a) Any Issues to report/update on ongoing issues

b) Any accidents in the Parish to report

8)    Play Area   

                                a) Weekly inspection reports

                                b) Any other matters regarding the Playground

                9)  Finger Post and Village Signs

10)   Footpaths

                11)  Finances

                a) Payments to approve                               

                b) Receipts received

                c) To approve Bank Reconciliation

d) any other financial matters

12)   Planning

Planning application no 3/07/24/004 land east of water lane, update

13)   Future topics, Kesteven meeting date,


Mel Catchpole, Clerk

              5th July 2024

Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety, and Human Rights.

Crowcombe Parish Council

55 Chilton Park, Chilton Street, Bridgwater TA6 3JW

TEL: 01278 470307

Clerk: Mel Catchpole

There will be a Parish Council Meeting to be held on Thursday 12th September 2024,

 at the church rooms, Crowcombe commencing at 6.30pm


1)      To receive any apologies of absence

               2)   Declarations of interest/Dispensations

         3)   Minutes of 11th July 2024 to approve and sign.

                4)   Matters arising from minutes of 11th July 2024

5)      Co-option of new councillor

6)       Somerset Council Report

    7)   Highways     

                                a) Any Issues to report/update on ongoing issues

b) Any accidents in the Parish to report

8)    Play Area   

                                a) Weekly inspection reports

                                b) Any other matters regarding the Playground/repairs 


09)   Footpaths

                10)  Finances

                a) Payments to approve                               

                b) Receipts received

                c) To approve Bank Reconciliation

d) any other financial matters/ new bank account

11)   Planning

Planning application no 3/07/24/004 land east of water lane, update

3/07/23/006 Proposal: Change of use of a agricultural barn to café and commercial kitchen with erection of extension for seating area (Retention of works already

undertaken) Location Brewers Water Farm, Stogumber Road, Crowcombe, TA4 4BH 3/07/24/008 Proposal: Siting of log cabin for use as temporary living accommodation

(retention of works already undertaken)

Location: Rexton Gorse, Broad Oak Hill, Crowcombe, TA4 4BP

12)   Future topics, Kesteven meeting Sunday 15th September at 11.30am, dog bins updates


Mel Catchpole, Clerk

              6th September 2024

Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety, and Human Rights.

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