Minutes 2024

Crowcombe Parish Council

55 Chilton Park, Chilton Street, Bridgwater TA6 3JW

Clerk Mel Catchpole

01278 470307

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 11th January 2024

at the Crowcombe Hall, Crowcombe commencing at 6.30pm.


Cllr T Brooks (Chair), Cllr J Laver Cllr B Druitt, Cllr S Ford, Cllr A Parslow, Cllr B Martin-Vigor, Somerset Council (SC) Marcus Kravis, Clerk M Catchpole.


01/24 Apologies of absence

Somerset Council Cllr C Lawrence and Cllr C Lock (Cllr J Laver asked to be excused at 7.45pm)

02/24 Declaration of interest/Dispensations


03/24 Minutes to approve.

The Minutes of 09th November 2023 where approved and signed.

04/24 Matters Arising from the Minutes


05/24Somerset Council Report

Cllr Kravis spoke at length about the various ideas that  Somerset Council are looking at to try and stem the shortfall which they are now facing, some of these measures could include the end of CCTV closing some recycling centres in smaller towns, Cllr Kravis also spoke about the Council selling of assets, he also spoke about council tax being increased which is more than likely Cllr Kravis left the meeting at 7.20pm (a full report is available, please ask the Clerk).

06/24 Highways

a)    The drain at Leigh, is still under water.

b)    There was a small accident on the 10th December at the Crossroads

c)    The 20mph signage has now been granted by Somerset Council and      Highways, this will be for the whole village, and work to place the various poles for signs to be placed will be carried out in the spring.  The Parish Council have also purchased a SID (speed indicator device) this will also be put up once the signs are in place, the PC are still waiting to hear from local business as to what they are prepared to give in donations.

d)    The Clerk has spoken to the Clerk at Over Stowey to arrange an informal meeting with reference to heavy goods vehicles coming over the hill.

07/24 Play area.

a)    Weekly inspection reports, Cllr Alan Parslow reported that the Play area is looking clean and tidy.

b)    Cllr Parslow will remove the bags of rubble and fill in various potholes in the play area, Cllr Parslow also will remove a post which is a trip hazard, it was pointed out that the rubber matting under the swings has become uneven.

08/24 Finger post and Village signs

Cllr Brooks will finish off the various holes needed and the weather proofing for the Village signs and Cllr Ford and Cllr Lock will put these signs up now that the weather has improved. Nothing to report on finger post within the village.


Nothing to report apart from they are all very muddy.

10/24 Finances

a) All payments where approved.

b) Receipts received where bank interest

c) Bank reconciliation approved

d) Clerk has had a pay increase of £1.00 Per hour this has been backdated from 1st April 2023 this was approved by the PC. The Budget for the next financial year was approved and the increase for the precept for the forthcoming financial year.


Finances for 11th January 2024



Amount £

Including VAT of


Cheque No 000968 Radar Speed sign Evolis (SID) Cheque already issued




Cheque no 000969Countrywide Grass cut Nov & Dec invoice number 542961 and 548597




Cheque no 000970John Phillip & Scott hedge cut 1.5 hours




Cheque 000971Clerks’ salary including backdated pay of £168.00



Cheque 000972 Clerks Expenses



Cheque 000973 Crowcombe Hall Hire 11th January 2023



Cheque 000974 Information Commissioner (Data Protection Fee)





Receipts received November and December 2023

£24.79 Bank Interest received.

Current Account



Business Account 1



£8.06 interest received

Business Account 2



£16.73 interest received

Clerk’s Expenses November & December 2023 & Salary November & December 2023 this includes pay award which is back dated to 1st April 2023 pay increase of £1.00 per hour Total of £168.00




09th Nov 2023

PC meeting Miles 40.8 miles @ 45p per mile


18th November 2023

PC meeting Miles 40.8 miles @45p per mile


17th November 2023

Printing of Speed letter for the village


15th November 2023

Photocopy paper and envelopes


11th January 2024

Home working cost Nov & Dec 2023 @ £8.00 per month




Salary November & December 2023

24 Hours per Month

£13.28 hourly rate

November 2023


24 Hours per Month

£13.28 hourly rate

December 2023


Nov/December 2023

X 2 @ £318.72

Total Pay






11/24 Planning

3/07/23/012 Change of use from agricultural field to residential garden Tythe Barn, Crowcombe Road, Crowcombe. This has been granted.

3/07/23/014 Change of use of 11 No. holiday lodges to permanent residential dwellings/Red Deer Park Home Estate, Station Road, Crowcombe. The PC felt that as so much work has already been carried out on this site some that hasn’t always been lawful, they wouldn’t have any objection to this additional planning so long as it is carried out in a Lawful manner.

3/07/23/006 Change of use of an agricultural barn to café and commercial kitchen with erection of extension for seating area (Retention of works already undertaken) Brewers Water Farm, Stogumber Road, Crowcombe, TA4 4BH ongoing.

3/07/23/015 Gardeners Cottage, Halsway Lane, Bicknoller, Williton, Taunton, TA4 4BAErection of replacement single storey extension to south-east elevation with side/rear link

to cottage and a pergola to the front (south-west) elevation. The PC have no objections to this planning application.

12/24 Clerks Report

Clerk spoke about updating the website as the existing one isn’t user friendly. Clerk also spoke about getting quotes for various works within the village which the PC may have to take on in view of Somerset Council present financial difficulties.

13/24 Future topics

The next meeting will be on the 14th of March 2024 at the Crowcombe Hall.

14/24 Meeting ended at 8.00pm.

Cllr Brooks thanked all for attending this meeting.

Crowcombe Parish Council

55 Chilton Park, Chilton Street, Bridgwater TA6 3JW

Clerk Mel Catchpole

01278 470307

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 14th March 2024

at the Crowcombe Hall, Crowcombe commencing at 6.30pm.


Cllr T Brooks (Chair), Cllr B Druitt, Cllr A Parslow, Cllr C Lock Somerset Council (SC) Marcus Kravis, (arrived at 7.35am due to other commitments) Clerk M Catchpole. 1 member of the public, Chris Staniland (representive of the Crowcombe Hall) Jill Denton and Emma Pascall (representatives of the Village Shop Committee)


15/24 Apologies of absence

Cllr J Laver, Cllr B Martin-Vigor, Somerset Council Cllr C Lawrence (no apologies received from Cllr Ford)

16/24 Declaration of interest/Dispensations


17/24 Minutes to approve.

The Minutes of 11th January 2023 where approved and signed.

18/24 Matters Arising from the Minutes


19/24Somerset Council Report

Cllr Kravis, spoke about the councils continuing balancing act with the current financial situation. The cost of social care per child is £6.500 per week. The council have decided for now to keep Williton recycling centre open which will be a huge relief for the area as it will lessen the risk of fly tipping.  The council are looking at 1,000 redundancy’s and hopefully these will be voluntary.  The council tax is up by 10% and cuts are still being looked at which is taking up a considerable amount of time which should be spent on other issues. Cllr Kravis left the meeting at 8.10 due to another meeting.

20/24 LCN Update

This was covered with Cllr Kravis report.

21/24 Highways

a)    Nothing to report/still ongoing issues with heavy vehicles going over the hill these need to be logged i.e. reg no and times. /Also improved signage for the hill for HGV vehicles.

b)    No accidents to report

c)    The Parish Council received an email from the village shop with reference to funding for the safety campaign, they required further information on this, before funding would be considered.  The Village Shop was represented by Jill Denton and Emma Pascall, who gave their concerns to the Parish Council, these being – they have concerns about the SID (speed indicator device) being stolen. Who is going to move these devises and who is going to charge the batteries, also very concerned about the community speed watch that it would lead to unrest with villagers being targeted for speeding. The PC assured the Village shop that the Sid is far to heavy to move on your own you would need two persons to move, and this would draw attention. The Sid batteries would be charged by a PC councillor, and they would be reimbursed for the electric used. Training would be given for the Sid to be moved which the PC will pay for.  The community speed watch would not take place until the Sid and 20mph signage has been reviewed after 9 months, this would give the community speed watch an indication on the effect that the new measures have had over this period.  It was also pointed out to the Village Shop that the Community Speed Watch is not Lead by the PC.  The Pc are willing after the initial 9 months to do a questioner for the whole village on how they wish to proceed with this issue. The representatives said they will report back to the committee and let the PC know in due course weather they will help towards funding for this. The Ladies left at 7.15pm

22/24 Play area.

a)    Weekly inspection reports, Cllr Alan Parslow reported that the Play area is looking clean and tidy.

b)    Cllr Parslow has repaired the pothole under the slid of the multi play area, and has filed in various rabbit holes, the Clerk thanked Cllr Parslow for his work. the rubber matting under the swings still requires attention. Further improvements for the play area (new equipment) have been put on hold until the PC know what other maintenance issues we may have to take on from the Council.

23/24 Finger post and Village signs

Cllr Lock and Cllr Druitt will put these signs up now that the weather has improved over the Easter Break. Nothing to report on finger post within the village.


Nothing to report apart from a lot of water in the lane by the Kesteven’s area and play area this is the responsibility of Somerset Highways, all footpaths are very muddy and wet.

25/23 Finances

a) All payments where approved.

b) Receipts received where bank interest

c) Bank reconciliation approved

d) Cllr Brooks has been in touch with the unity Bank, in short this would bring the PC up to date with modern banking it will take about 3 weeks to implement but it would incur a bank charge of £6.00 per month the PC agreed to this change.


Finances for 14th March 2023



Amount £

Including VAT of


Cheque no 000975 Countrywide Grass cut Jan & Feb invoice number 553649 and 559095




Cheque 000976 Clerks’ salary January & February 2024



Cheque 000977 Clerks Expenses (see breakdown in clerks’ expense etc.)




Cheque 000978 Crowcombe Hall Hire 14th March 2024



Primary Care Defibrillator Pads Cheque 000979




Cheque No 000980 Information Commissioner (replacement Cheque as cheque No 000974 has been lost in the post Cheque number 000 has been cancelled by Bank)



Cheque No 000981 A Brooks expenses for

Travel to Wheddon Cross for LCN meeting 7th March, and Bolts and washer for signposts






Receipts received January  and February 2024

£24.86 Bank Interest received.

Current Account



Business Account 1


£ 3288.40

£8.09 interest received

Business Account 2



£16.77 interest received

Clerk’s Expenses January & February & Salary January & February 2024




11th January 2024

PC meeting Miles 40.8 miles @ 45p per mile


January 2024

3 Hi Vis Waistcoats, 3 pairs of gloves, black bin bags, and 2 litter grabbers (for litter task force Crowcombe Village) agreed by email ask clerk to see emails


January 2024

Deliver Waistcoats etc. to Alan Parslow 40.8 miles @45p per mile


14th March 2024

Home working cost Jan & Feb 2024 @ £8.00 per month




Salary January & February 2024

24 Hours per Month

£13.28 hourly rate

January 2024


24 Hours per Month

£13.28 hourly rate

February 2024


Jan/Feb 2024

X 2 @ £318.72

Total Pay






26/24 Planning

3/07/23/014 Change of use of 11 No. holiday lodges to permanent residential dwellings/Red Deer Park Home Estate, Station Road, Crowcombe. This application has been refused.

3/07/23/006 Change of use of an agricultural barn to café and commercial kitchen with erection of extension for seating area (Retention of works already undertaken) Brewers Water Farm, Stogumber Road, Crowcombe, TA4 4BH This application is still ongoing.

3/07/23/015 Gardeners Cottage, Halsway Lane, Bicknoller, Williton, Taunton, TA4 4BAErection of replacement single storey extension to south-east elevation with side/rear link

to cottage and a pergola to the front (south-west) elevation. This application has been granted.


Cllr B Martin-Vigor has expressed concerns with Higil Lea this is an ongoing issue, and the PC are aware and will continue to monitor this situation.


Proposal for 26 solar panels on the Crowcombe Hall, permission sought from the PC as we are leaseholders.

Mr Chris Staniland spoke to the PC about the need to cut cost on the running of the Hall these solar panel would do this, and they would pay for themselves within 5 years, the panels have a life span of 25 years, they would be placed on the south facing part of the building.  The PC had no objections to this proposal the clerk has received information from Somerset Council planning on this and the Hall would have to apply for planning permission.


27/24 Future topics

The clerk spoke about charges to The Crowcombe Hall increasing and the Church House Crowcombe are cheaper, so it was agreed to hold future meetings in the Church rooms, the next meeting will be on the 9th of May 2024 at 6.30pm in the Church rooms.

28/24 Meeting ended at 8.30pm.

Cllr Brooks thanked all for attending this meeting.

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